CAPABLE – new Horizon 2020 project

The CAPABLE (CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience) project co-authored by dr Szymon Wilk recieved funding within Horizon 2020 framework.

The project aim is to provide help for cancer patients, that after the primary intervention are mostly managed at home facing long-term treatments, making the disease comparable to a chronic condition. Despite their benefit, strong therapeutic regimens often cause toxicity, severely impairing quality of life. This may decrease adherence to treatment, thus compromising therapeutic efficacy. Also due to age-related multimorbidity, patients and their caregivers develop emotional, educational and social needs. CAPABLE will develop a cancer patient coaching system with the objective of facing these needs/issues. It will rely on predictive models based on both retrospective and prospective data (clinical data, data from unobtrusive environmental and wearable sensors, data from social media and questionnaires). Models will be integrated with existing clinical practice guidelines and made available to oncologists. Thanks to the mobile coaching system for patients, CAPABLE will allow identifying unexpected needs, and providing patient-specific decision support.

12 partners from 7 countires are involved within the project:
1. University of Pavia ( – coordinator
2. University of Haifa (
3. Biomeris s.r.l. (
4. Academisch Medisch Centrum bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam (
5. IBM Israel – Science and Technology Ltd (
6. Bitsens, JSC (
7. Politechnika Poznanska (
8. Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri Societa’ Per Azioni Societa’ Benefit (
9. Netherlands Cancer Institute-Antoni van Leeuwenhoek ( )
10. Deontics Ltd (DEON) (
11. Aimac – Associazione Italiana Malati di Cancro, Parenti e Amici – Italian Cancer Patients Association (
12. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (