Bachelor theses supervised by CAMIL members claimed both prizes in IEEE Thesis Contest within the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications.

In the IEEE Thesis Contest within the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications, the first prize was given to Michał Bień, Michał Gilski, Martyna Maciejewska, Wojciech Taisner for their bachelor thesis Cooking recipes generator utilizing a deep learning-based language model, supervised by Dr Habil. Agnieszka Ławrynowicz, a member of CAMIL (supporting supervisor: Dawid Wiśniewski).

The honorable mention was given to Jacek Grycza, Damian Horna, Hanna Klimczak, Kamil Pluciński for their bachelor thesis Multi-imbalance: Python package for multi-class imbalance learning, supervised by Prof. Jerzy Stefanowski, a member of CAMIL.

Congratulations to the authors of both theses and their supervisors!